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    Frequently Asked Questions

    When can I register?
    Registration will be open January 8th through the 31st

    How do I register?
    On the runsignup page HERE

    How/Where do I log my miles?



    • Click the "+" in the top right corner to "Add Virtual Result"




    • Enter "First/Last Name"





    • Select date
    • Enter miles
    • You can enter for multiple days, just make sure to change the date and enter accurate mileage. 





    Can I share an email address with a family member/friend?
    No, each participant must use a unique email address.

    Do I have to complete the mile at the store?
    No, you complete each mile on your own.

    Do I need a GPS watch/unit to track my mile?
    No, this is all honor system.  We trust you!

    Is having a social media account a requirement (Facebook, Instagram)?

    What if I lost my password?
    Go to runsignup.com, Click on:

    Then click on Forgot Password.:


    Can I log miles from previous days/weeks?
    Yes, this is all done through the runsignup page

    What if it is raining/snowing/sleeting/windy?
    The weather is all part of the challenge.  Dress accordingly and get it done.  You will be happy you did.
    “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these streakers from the swift completion of their appointed mile.”

    If I forgot to do my mile yesterday, can I make it up today?
    No.  Sorry, this is a reason it is called a streak.

    How do I get my finishers shirt (this is only if you opted to pay the $10 for a shirt, otherwise this does not apply to you)?
    We will send an email letting you know when the shirts can be picked up.  You MUST have completed the streak to get a shirt.

    What is the LAST day of the streak?
    The last day is Wednesday, March 12th.


    If you have additional questions please email frozenfeet@aardvarksportsshop.com

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    This could cause the order to duplicate or fail.
    Unfortunately, our digital storefront is down for a bit of maintenance. In the meantime, feel free to shop us in-store. Please check back again soon.